At their monthly meeting in Eastbourne's Crown and Anchor
public house, the guest speaker was Wayne Dixon, appearing
with his trusty dog, Koda.
told the gathering about the variety and quantity of litter
that he'd picked on his travels around the British coast. he
is supported by Keep Britain Tidy and other who empty Wayne's
bag when it gets full.
keeps a log of his travels and may one day write a book so
that we can all read about his fantastic adventures. We hope
Free Eastbourne is a campaign involving Oliver Sterno who
organised the Refill
event earlier this year, fully supported by the Borough
Council and Liberal Democrat MP Stephen
Lloyd. Indeed, it has all party support. Sterling work
singer/songwriter David Stopp was present and gave the group
an update as to forthcoming events. David performs his song
about Plastic Free Eastbourne and others on the subject of
climate change and conservation at too many venues to mention.
Well done David.
Cheryl Foreman
from Mucky
Mermaids was present at this meeting and Nelson
Kay from the Cleaner Ocean Foundation gave the group an
update on UK and EU attitudes to mass ocean cleaning. The
Mucky Mermaids also clean local beaches regularly, working
with other groups such as Plastic Free Eastbourne and Surfers Against
the meeting Nelson had a brief chat with Wayne to congratulate
him on his efforts to raise the awareness of ocean plastic and
the importance of beach cleaning. All at the Cleaner Ocean
Foundation and Climate
Change Trust wish Wayne and Koda all the very best.

EXPRESS JULY 5 2019 UK litter shame: One man and his dog pick up 50 tons of rubbish dumped on beaches
ARMY veteran Wayne Dixon and his dog Koda have collected 50 tons of rubbish so far on an epic litter pick around Britain.
Wayne, 47, along with Koda, eight, has already filled 10,000 bin bags - and the pair are still only half way into their trip along the coastline. They set out from their home in Lancashire almost three years ago and have covered 3,500 miles so far after crossing off
Scotland, Wales,
Devon and
Cornwall. They have now made their way along the South coast to Brighton where Wayne, who served with the Royal Army Medical Corps, joined a party of litter pickers for the Silent Disco Beach Clean to help remove thousands more discarded items. The pair's series of walks are in memory of Wayne's father John, who died in 2012. Funds are being raised for the mental health charity Mind. John suffered bipolar disorder for many years but was an avid walker and loved coastal paths.
Wayne, who is also backed by Keep Britain Tidy, said: "You would think the environmental message about the harm caused by littering would have hit home by now but people still discard rubbish on the beaches which then get washed out to sea causing marine
"I'm halfway through my journey round the coast of Britain and I've been astonished with how much rubbish I have picked up. It is truly shocking that the message is still not getting to some people."
Amy Gibson, organiser of the Brighton clean-up, said: "Over 100 volunteers joined in and in just two hours we removed over 60 kilos of litter from the area in little over half a mile.
"Over 50,000 people visited Brighton beach on Saturday - the hottest day of the year so far - and we are in desperate need of more bins down there and for people to start taking ownership of their trash."
On his epic journey Wayne has been giving talks to children in schools and community groups about the need to drum home the environmental message and stop littering.
Despite having 3,500 miles to go, Wayne aims to take a short break from the coast to embark on "Wayne's Walk to Westminster" where he aims to deliver a letter to the Prime Minister urging tougher penalties for litterbugs.
He and Koda, a Northern Inuit crossbreed, will then resume their walk around Kent, Essex and up the East coast of England.
Wayne is self-funded from savings but also relies on the generosity of environmental campaigners and community groups who give him lodgings and feed him on his journey.
He has a fundraising page at virginmoneygiving.com (search for Wayne Dixon) and has raised more than £10,000 for Mind.
By Jaya Narain
Wayne Dixon quit his job, packed a bag and set off on a 7,000-mile hike, aiming to walk the distance of the British coastline. But, rather than step over the mounds of rubbish washed up on the shoreline, he has vowed to “pick up every piece” along the way. His Northern Inuit dog, Koda, keeps him company on the lonely hours picking litter.
Ever since he was a boy, Wayne Dixon has dreamt of walking the coast of Britain. A proud Lancastrian, born and raised in Blackburn, something inside him yearned for adventure.
Joining the military at 17, Dixon gave three years’ service to the Royal Army Medical Corps in Germany, before devoting the next five to foreign exploration. He spent entire seasons picking olives in Greece, and also flowers in Holland. There was an 18-month stint in Israel – working in a factory, doing construction jobs and cleaning Portaloos. Anything to fund his unquenchable wanderlust. “I just wanted to travel,” he says. “I was desperate to see the world.”
Dixon’s travel bug was hardcoded into his genes. His father, John Dixon, was an avid rambler. Author of more than 30 historical walking guides, John’s own thirst for discovery had seen him take in landscapes from rural Lancashire to post-Cold War Russia.
Though John’s marriage to Wayne’s mum Christine ended in divorce when Dixon Jr was just nine, the bond between father and son grew stronger with each walking holiday they shared – to Crete, Turkey, portions of the South West Coast Path (a 630-mile stretch from Minehead to Poole Harbour). By the late Noughties, they vowed to fulfil Dixon’s childhood fantasy together. All 7,000 miles of it.
Sadly, it wasn’t to be. John Dixon died from a heart attack in 2012, aged 63. But, rather than abandon the plan, Dixon was more motivated than ever, desperate to achieve the colossal feat in memory of his father. What’s more, as John had rescued a dog 10 days before he died, Dixon now had a custom-built companion.
“I’d like to think he was sent to us for a reason,” says Dixon of Koda, a stoic Northern Inuit that looks more wolf than hound. “He’s filled a massive hole of bleakness and sorrow with joy. I feel like I’m walking with my dad.”
I find Dixon and Koda at RSPB Hodbarrow, a nature reserve on the edge of Lake District National Park in Cumbria. Having set off on February 1, they are a month into a voyage which, at a rate of five or six miles per day, will likely take two to three years to complete. “The longer it takes, for me, the better,” reports Dixon, dressed almost exclusively in khaki. “I’m in my element.”

A smiley, softly spoken man of 44, Dixon is weighed down with a 50lb canvas backpack bursting with kit. There’s a tent, two sleeping bags, waterproof clothing, wind-up
radio, torch, camping stove, and a selection of Koda’s best-loved toys. Dixon quit his job as a youth support worker following his dad’s death – to support his grieving sister Max and take care of Koda – so his budget is tiny: £10 a day. It’s mostly spent on water, cooking fuel and food. One month in, the only thing Dixon claims to miss about regular life is BBC 6 Music. He can’t get it on his wind-up radio. Single for the past five years, he confesses to be relishing his lack of responsibilities. “As for loneliness, I’ve got him,” he beams, ruffling Koda’s mane.
First achieved by marathon walker John Merrill in 1978, a journey on foot around Britain is often seen as the pinnacle for walking enthusiasts; Mount Everest for the rambling set. Many have attempted the 6,824 mile round-trip – a loop of England, Wales and Scotland’s shorelines – though only a small fraction have completed the whole epic trail. (The official figure is unknown, though Dixon believes it to be 48.)
Devoted hikers make this lengthy pilgrimage for a variety of reasons: in the name of charity, material for a book, or simply to enjoy the majestic surroundings on our doorstep. The driving force for Dixon’s own effort is particularly novel.
Alongside his twin fundraising efforts – for mental health charity Mind (his father was bipolar) and the Northern Inuit Society – Dixon hopes to leave each patch of land in a healthier state than it was when he found it. For every step he and Koda takes, they’ll be bagging up litter.
“I started litter picking about a year ago when I was walking the dog,” explains Dixon, a purple bin-bag in one hand, metal litter picker in the other. “I realised it’d really annoy me if I was in these really beautiful places, but seeing all this rubbish.
“Walking the coast is quite a self-indulgent thing, and I wanted to give back. So it came to me: I’ll walk the country, but pick up litter as I go.”
Dixon gazes out across Hodbarrow lagoon, the impressive Black Combe dominating the sky as the midday sun gives the water a silk-like shimmer. It’s the sort of blissful scene you’d expect from a postcard, except without the robust pile of rubbish.
“All this kills animals,” sighs Dixon, poking at the detritus with his litter picker. Among the debris is a camping chair, rusty tin cans, broken bottles and food trays, all in varied states of decay. Dixon predicts the junk has sat here for at least two years – that’s when cutbacks hit the reserve and the on-site warden was let go. As if the litter wasn’t suitable proof, Dixon later confirms they were never replaced.
“We need to bow our heads in shame at our litter problem, big time. The thousands, millions, who died in the First and
Second World
War, all those people that died for our freedom – just look what we’ve done with it. It’s beyond belief.”
As it turns out, Dixon’s walk is a topical endeavour. This weekend sees hundreds of community events take place across the United Kingdom, under the banner of “Clean For The Queen”. Launched by the Government – in collaboration with charity Keep Britain Tidy – the campaign encourages citizens to scrub their neighbourhoods free of muck in honour of
Her Majesty’s 90th
But while the cause is a worthy one and the statistics shocking (litter has skyrocketed by 500 per cent since the Sixties), Clean For
The Queen has largely been met with hostility. The general consensus is that, in an age of landmark austerity, the initiative is dressed up as
Cameron’s “Big Society” in action, yet merely demands free labour from the masses.

Sought out to help promote Clean For The Queen during his own clean-up venture, Dixon’s view is more philosophical. “Hopefully it will encourage people to not drop litter, and to be more aware of their surroundings,” he says. “It’s not the Queen or
Prime Minister that lives in the towns where the litter is. It’s us that’s got to live there, but it’s like we’re becoming blind to it.”
After a brief respite in a Millom pub – pint of Coke, bowl of
water for Koda – Dixon is back on the road. Next up is Haverigg, then north to Stainton, Stilecroft and Bootle, being careful as they pass the
nuclear complex in Sellafield.
Dixon swears his goal is simply to appreciate Britain’s natural magnificence, raising money for charity and making the environment a little bit tidier as he goes. He invites anyone who’d like to help to follow his journey on social media (@WayneKoda on Twitter) and join him when he’s in your area.
And yet, a wide smile spreads across Dixon’s face when I ask whether he’d welcome an invitation to meet Her Majesty. “It’d be nice, yeah,” he says, laughing. “I’ll be happy just completing it, that’s my reward. But then, the Queen is a dog lover, isn’t she?”
Dixon and Koda amble into the distance, and I make my way to the local train station. As I stop at a junction, the driver of a people-carrier pulls up, lowers the window and flicks a Mars wrapper out of the window. I walk over, and place it in the bin just a few metres away.

On the 1st of feb 2016, me & my dog (Koda) are setting off from Knottend on sea, Lancashire, to walk & litter pick around the coast of Britain. I will pick litter as I walk & will hold litter picking events in each village, town & city.
Koda is a Northern Inuit dog & he is raising money & awareness for the Northern Inuit society. A small society made up of a few volunteers who rescue & rehome this type of dog.
My father bought koda 10 days before he died in 2012. Koda was 7 months old, confused & very hard work . My Mum found the inuit society on the net & found the original breeder,& kodas dog family.They were brilliant, gave us alot of support, training & opened us up to a network of lovely caring dog owners.We really struggled with koda for the first couple of months & wouldnt have been able to manage if it wasnt for the people linked to the society. All costs for rehoming, foods, petrol, transport,etc come from the pockets of volunteers . By doing this, my family & Koda are saying a big thank you to the society. So I hope that raising a thousand pound can be the start of a money bank for the society.
Please give in order to help the society find lovely homes for the Northern Inuits.
Thankyou, Wayne & Koda.

is variable as to success. There are many services who all
charge to collect money on your behalf. Be careful to choose
the right services for your project.
AGAINST SEWAGE - Surfers Against Sewage host two huge volunteer led Beach Clean events every year - the Big Spring Beach Clean and the Awesome Autumn Beach Clean. Thanks to 35,500 people volunteering the 2018 Big Spring Beach Clean saw this group remove over 63 TONNES of marine plastic pollution and litter from 575 beaches across the UK.
iNEWS - One man and his faithful dog Koda walking to
raise awareness and money for charity.
He gets about this bloke. Even the beaches of Cornwall are
covered in marine litter.
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Repair

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